In this month of Cultivating Relationship (our Soul Matters theme), how do you relate to the Earth? Is it simply land you live upon? A source of beauty and comfort? A partner in the great dance of life? In this service, we make space to consider what the earth might be able to teach us about how to emerge from the pandemic, how to relate to each other and how to see nature with new reverence and curiosity.
Please don't forget to also bring your masks! Here's a reminder about our new worship practices during Covid times (the full Covid safety policy can be read here):
All attendees at worship must remain masked at all times. Masking children under the age of 5 is at parents' discretion. Ushers will hand out masks at the door for those who do not have them.
Socially-distanced sitting in the meetinghouse is required. Pews will be marked and family groups should sit together.
There will only be solo or duet singing; unfortunately, there will be no choir or congregational singing at this time.
Coffee hour will be held outside on the Beal House lawn; come into Beal to get your coffee and then bring it outside on the grass.