"Ingathering: We Begin Again in Love"
led by Rev. Emily Bruce
Join us this Sunday at 10:30am in our beautifully restored Meetinghouse for our UU Ingathering service!
Don't forget to bring your water for Water Communion, kids should bring their backpacks for a Blessing of the Backpacks and all of us are encouraged to bring our whole selves (back) into our beloved sanctuary as we seek to begin a new church year, a new ministry with Rev. Emily and more.
Please don't forget to also bring your masks! Here's a reminder about our new worship practices during Covid times (the full Covid safety policy can be read here):
All attendees at worship must remain masked at all times.
Masking children under the age of 5 is at parents' discretion.
Ushers will hand out masks at the door for those who do not have them.
Socially-distanced sitting in the meetinghouse is required. Pews will be marked and family groups should sit together.
There will only be solo or duet singing; unfortunately, there will be no choir or congregational singing at this time.
We are working on a plan to livestream services for those who cannot attend in-person. More soon...
Coffee hour will be held outside on the Beal House lawn using disposable cups and napkins.
Hope to see you there!